Coaching Services

Truth Alert! TRUTH ALERT!

TRUTH ALERT! High school DOES NOT prepare your child for the real world. College DOES NOT prepare your child for the real world! 

During my time as a college advisor and pathway navigator, I worked with students who were thrust into college and forced to make big financial decisions in a short amount of time that had long-term consequences. It was my responsibility to help them with everything from Application to Graduation (and anything in between). I helped them to understand if they were in the right program/major to achieve their career goals, the breakdown of college expenses, living experiences, and projected salary after graduation; these processes were necessary to give them a clearer picture of what the causes and effects were of the decision they were about to make. I walked students through step-by-step to create a financial budget, find jobs, search for affordable housing, and find scholarships to help them reduce their need for student loans. When students graduated or dropped out, I worked with them to help them understand and plan their next steps. In my previous job as a college prep advisor, these were lessons that I taught my high school students and I thought other high school educators were as well. 

It was then I realized that high school and college prepare your child for the GRADUATION, not for the real world. If these institutions were preparing students for the next steps, proof of employment and/or admittance to a college/graduate college would be a part of their graduation requirements. While efforts to educate students on financial literacy are being adopted in schools, there is still a gap of how to apply those skills to their individual circumstance. Through coaching, I help students to apply the financial literacy knowledge to their personal circumstances and life plans to give them real life skills; I call Financial Reality.  

Financial Reality helps students to apply financial literacy skills to their future decisions like career, education, and desired lifestyle so that they can get a clear picture of how their decisions are interconnected and adjust expectations if need be. This method helps students avoid costly mistakes while preparing and empowering them to make informed decision so that they are making decisions out of expectation, but rather desperation. 

Through coaching, I teach students to be intentional and strategic to achieve the following outcomes for students:

  • Getting clear on their goals 
  • Making informed decisions with confidence
  • Planning their path to success
  • Increasing their productivity
  • Managing their time and resources properly
  • Identifying the tools and resources to best meet their needs
I also help them to avoid the following mistakes and pitfalls:
  • Confusion
  • Lack of direction
  • Unclear plans
  • Procrastination
  • Wasted time
  • Unnecessary and overwhelming debt


COMING JUNE 2022! Group coaching is offered through a membership program that includes monthly meetings to discuss college and career topics relevant to their current grade-level. This allows students to receive step-by-step preparations so that they will go into their future with confidence and expectancy. Coaching is delivered virtually through an online platform to accommodate students regardless of location. 


One-on-one coaching offers customized and personalized services for the student. This is the best way to meet your child’s needs and answer any questions they have with advice specific to their circumstances. These services are recommended for students in their senior year so that they can be held accountable to completing processes that have critical deadlines. Coaching is delivered virtually through an online platform to accommodate students regardless of location.

The future can be scary! For students, it can be hard for them to see how to they get to the future they desire. Janelle will work one-on-one with your child to create a comprehensive life plan that breaks down career choice and post-secondary education, from the financial literacy perspective. The student will walk away confident and equipped with the skills to identify their purpose, create a plan that puts them on the path toward their future. And IF they decide to change their mind, they will have the skills to create a new plan.

Senior year can be overwhelming! The one-on-one sessions allow for personalized attention to your students needs when it comes to completing college applications, the FAFSA process, scholarships, and understanding college costs and requirements. Each student’s circumstances are different and attention to detail is required to provide the best advice in respect to deadlines. 

Curriculum Planning

FOR EDUCATORS! Do you or your staff need help coming up with fun and interactive lessons for your students to learn about college and careers? 

Janelle has created a curriculum filled with activities that are perfect for middle schooler,  high schoolers, and even college students to help them see the how college, career, and finances are all connected. This curriculum is what Janelle has used for years in the classroom and with her coaching clients to help them clearly define and achieve their goals. 


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